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Adobe Analytics to Facebook Ads Micro Integration

Facebook Ads is one of the highest paid channels for most companies. Not all ads are created equal and you need to know which ones are driving the most important conversions. Import your AA conversion data into Facebook Ads at the creative level today.

Optimize To Meaningful Conversions
at The Keyword Level

Optimizing your Facebook Ad spend to impressions and clicks is definitely better than nothing … but just barely. You want to optimize at a more meaningful level. What if you could know which visitors spent more than 60 seconds on the site? Got to the last page of the checkout? Made a purchase of more than $100? Now you can optimize to any of these conversions and more with our powerful Micro Integration.

Better Audience Lists = Better Targeting

You’ve spent so much time creating your targeted audiences in Adobe Analytics and now want to have these accessible in Facebook Ads custom audiences. This powerful Micro Integration allows you to do this and immediately take action in Facebook Ads. Better audiences means better targeting.


This is a quick overview of how our Adobe Analytics to Facebook Ads Micro Integration works. Once connected to Adobe Analytics, Datajoin grabs any Adobe event data and writes that back as conversion events to Ad platforms such as Facebook.