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Activate Your Web Data Across Your Marketing Apps

Push web analytics behavioral data from Adobe Analytics or GA 360 to specific marketing apps at the click of a button.

Simple App-to-App Integration

Using our Micro Integrations, you can easily set up integrations between web analytics and your chosen marketing application. Simply authenticate your services in the app and then select which web events you want to push to your selected target application. That's it!

Automated ID Sync

Our proprietary identity sync technology automatically identifies common users between your web data and your chosen application, making implementation a breeze.
Falling Conversion
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Top Companies Activate Their Customer Data With Datajoin

"We were continually asked how our form fills were performing down funnel and we were never able to give a good answer - until now. Datajoin's Micro Integration has finally given us the full-journey visibility we've been searching for"

"We've been searching for a way to connect Salesforce data into Adobe Analytics for a while. We almost gave up hope of solving this until we came across Datajoin. We now have the visibility we've been looking for right inside of Analysis Workspace"
"We are finally seeing our Salesforce Community site data flowing directly into Adobe Analytics and we're thrilled to effect change to find opportunites to improve the customer experience!"